Library Learning Connection Center Rendering

Students Tour New Chabot College Library & Learning Building​

On Friday, November 11, Construction Manager Swinerton Management & Consulting (SMC) and General Contractor Rudolph & Sletten provided a tour of Chabot College’s (Chabot) new Library and Learning Connection Building, which is currently under construction. 

Touring The Site

Professor Adrian Huang, Chabot’s Coordinator and Chair of Architecture and Interior Design Departments, and over 20 current Architecture and Journalism students attended the tour. This was the second tour provided to the group; a tour was also given earlier in the project timeline along with the Lead Architect for the project, G4 Architects. To date, the building is just over 70% complete, which allowed the students to see the inner workings of the building, as well as the behind-the-scenes logistics it takes to construct a new building in the center of an occupied campus. Additionally, the tour provided a venue for students to ask the General Contractor and Construction Management teams many questions, including construction processes and career advise/paths for those planning for a career in the construction industry.

Project Details

The project was split into two increments: increment one included soil improvements and associated site utility demolition, and increment two consisted of the four-story, new construction, library building. Construction started on increment one in the beginning of 2022. The new Library and Learning Connection Building is approximately 63,000 square feet and is being built directly in the center of the college campus. The project is funded under Measure A and has a construction cost of approximately $77 million. In addition to being a library, the building will also have a cultural literacy room, a social stair, classrooms, offices, a café, and will house several of the learning connection and learning community groups. The new building stands as the tallest building on campus, offering beautiful views in all directions of the East Bay. A third tour is being planned for early Spring 2024 as the building is expected to be nearing substantial completion. The estimated substantial completion date for the project is Spring of 2024, with an estimated move-in date of Fall 2024.

Building Long-Lasting Client Relationships

SMC was selected to provide comprehensive project and construction management services for over 58 projects at the Chabot College Campus. 

In March of 2004, Alameda County voters approved Measure B, which authorized the sale of $498 million, and in 2018, the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District (District) also passed Measure A for $950 million of capital improvement bonds that has been enabling the District to repair, acquire, renovate, construct and equip college buildings, site and infrastructure at both campuses. 

Projects on the Chabot Campus have included new construction, demolition, full modernization, select remodeling, energy efficiency, accessibility and underground utility upgrades, and photovoltaic panel installation.

Project Team

The Chabot project team consists of, Rudolph & Sletten as the General Contractor, G4 partnering with HMC Architects as the Lead Designers, and SMC as the Construction Managers. Kudos to the SMC team: Senior Project Manager Michael Stroud and Assistant Project Manager Dmitry Wyman.
