SFUSD Mission Bay School Wins CASH Award

The new Mission Bay School for the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) won an Award of Excellence in the Project in Design Category at the 2023 Coalition for Adequate School Housing (CASH) Conference in Sacramento, CA. The award is for outstanding California K-12 school projects in pre-construction.

A New School For A Growing Community

Swinerton Management & Consulting (SMC) is SFUSD’s Project/Construction Manager for this new $100 million school, which will serve one of the city’s newest and fastest growing neighborhoods. Mission Bay is a diverse and thriving community consisting of housing, the University of California San Francisco Campus, hospital and medical office buildings, biotech businesses, public parks, and the Chase Center arena. Currently, there are no elementary schools close to the hundreds of SFUSD students living in Mission Bay, and elementary schools near Mission Bay lack the capacity to accommodate long-term growth as a result of population increase and additional housing. Sitework commenced in fall 2022, with building construction starting in late 2023 and completion scheduled for the fall semester in 2025.

SMC has been selected by SFUSD to provide comprehensive project and construction management services over their past three bond programs: 2006 ($450 million), 2011 ($561 million), and 2016 ($758 million).


Congratulations to the project team: Director of Business Development Myrna Wagner, Project Executive John Baker, Senior Project Manager Sajid Sulaiman, and Assistant Project Manager Parth Patel. 
