Together with the City of Pleasant Hill (City), Swinerton Management & Consulting (SMC) celebrated the groundbreaking of the new Pleasant Hill Library in mid-September 2020. The socially distanced ceremony marks a project milestone and was attended by County Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, Mayor and City Council members, and Friends of the Pleasant Hill Library.
The new Library will be a single-story building located at the intersection of Oak Park and Monticello Boulevards in Pleasant Hill, California and is part of a larger, mixed-use development. With a total gross building area of 30,421 square feet, the Library will feature a large, open central space for book stacks and reading areas. Additional spaces include entry area, Friends of the Pleasant Hill Library Bookstore, Lounge, Story Lab, Early Literacy Area, Teen Center, and Messy Makerspace. Staff support spaces are adjoined by a service utility yard to the west. Landscaped areas surround the parking lot and building and provide zones for storm-water treatment and flood retention. A public plaza will connect the vehicular drop-off zone to the building entryway. Programmed outdoor space includes an activity yard and a reading terrace.
During the construction period, a temporary library opened at the Pleasant Hill Senior Center and will serve the public until the new Library is ready. The projected completion date is Winter 2022, and the Library is scheduled to open doors to the public in Spring 2022.
In November 2017, the City awarded SMC an agreement to oversee project & construction management through the complete design and construction of the new Library. Some characteristics that distinguished SMC were a clear and thoughtful approach to the work, a relatively short project schedule, and very experienced project staff.