October 1st, 2020 marked the Groundbreaking for the City of Millbrae’s (City) new Recreation Center. The Groundbreaking Ceremony was attended by Mayor Reuben Holober and the rest of the Millbrae City Council, City Manager Tom Williams, Interim Public Works Director Jane Kao, Recreation Director Mackenzie Brady and other key members of the City. The new Recreation Center will be ~24,000 SF and provide wonderful new space for the Millbrae Community including: a licensed preschool facility, a senior lounge, fitness and health programs for all ages, as well as a large community room to house special events. The City has selected a team of designers and builders to build this new energy efficient facility that will be starting construction in October 2020 and be ready for occupancy in Spring 2022.
The City selected Swinerton Management & Consulting (SMC) to manage the delivery of their new Recreation center in Winter 2019. This project was conceived by the City after the original building tragically burned down in 2016. After three years of working with community stakeholders to envision the design for the new facility, the City Council accepted Schematic Design in September 2019. This project utilizes Design-Build delivery method which will allow the project to be fast-tracked, helping the City shorten the current timeline by at least 12 months.